Thursday, March 19, 2020

Quarantine Life - Day 1

This is just an online diary for us to look back on after this madness is done.

Day 1 was actually March 18, 2020.

Benjamin and I started the day at 7am. He got some free screen time while I made sure to get my work from home set up all ready to go.

7:30 breakfast, then 8am - fresh air!! It was a gorgeous day and somewhat warm. We were able to take a walk with Lilly and took her to run. It was so awesome to start the day this way, and really set the entire tone.

After our walk, I sat down to start working. Benjamin was so awesome all day. While I worked, sending 80 billion emails and answering chats, he did school work, ready books, and used his imagination which doesn't happen too much these days (thanks YouTube!).

We took a great break at lunch time and scooted around outside and took Lilly for another walk. We saw some neighbors and said hi from a safe distance. The day went by surprisingly fast considering we were home all day.

At 4:30, everyone from work reminded each other to LOG OFF and end for the day - work will be there tomorrow!

Our evening was the same as usual - dinner as a family, tv, relaxation.

So far, we're handling this pretty well.

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