Thursday, March 19, 2020

Quarantine Life - Day 2

Day 2 - today, March 19.

So today it rained. This meant we couldn't start our day in the ideal way by taking Lilly for a nice walk and getting fresh air!

Instead we started it with Go Noodle which is absolutely hilarious. Cat parties? Puppy dances? Insanity. But it got us moving and laughing and it put us in a great mood.

Ben took an online paint party class today! I have to say one of the best things about quarantine or social distancing, or whatever we want to call this social responsibility of keeping people healthy in a public health crisis, is all of these amazingly creative people offering classes and story time, and so many other awesome options for kids online. Ben got to paint a picture for 45 minutes of his creative time today, and it was great! We may really be adding to our Benjamin Gallery Wall through all of this and I love it!

We also got information on how his distance learning from home will work next week. It will be interesting, to say the least! I don't even know how these teachers have pulled all of this off in such a short period of time but they are amazing and amaze me every day. They deserve a billion dollars a year. Seriously.

Work for me? Well, about the same. Although I think I could use a better chair. This ladder back chair I've got is pretty terrible after 7 to 8 hours sitting in it. But, do I really want to invest in a desk chair? How long will I be here? Hm. We'll see.

Work had our first zoom meeting today. I am in a hoodie with no makeup and my hair back in a ponytail with a headband. This is what you get when I work from home peeps!!

We did get to go outside for a short time around 2pm. It was cold and misty but Ben and the dog were super happy to get outside for at least a little bit.

Benjamin is currently on a zoom call with ONE friend. One. It is so loud. I have no idea how this is going to work if they are doing zoom for school next week!!? OMG. Madness. Should be interesting. Headphones will be REQUIRED for sure.

Otherwise, today was a good day! A little more sass from the child than yesterday, but it could be waaay worse. We're looking forward to the weekend though, and maybe taking a ride to enjoy the scenery of Newport? We'll just LOOK at the ocean from the safety of our car.

On to day 3!

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